Forum Discussion

STOCKEDM133's avatar
3 years ago

Reports Don't Match after fixing STP

I have had to fix up payroll to match EOFY STP but now my payroll activity reports in MYOB are not balancing to what they were?


How do you fix this once all STP is finalised?



  • Hi STOCKEDM133 


    Thanks for your post. So that I can assist with your issue can you please provide detailed information on what changes you made. Did the Payroll activity report display the correct information prior to changes being made? Do the Payroll activity and Payroll register reports match?

    • No the reports did not match HENCE why I had to change some of the peoples wages, super and TAX.


      Last time I only had to run a $0 payroll for the issues to be fixed?!


      Now this time everytihng was all over the place EVEN though I Pay people the same every week and lodge the payroll?!


      Can MYOB sort out my Files ( X3) now so that all my reports are reading correctly?

      • Tracey_H's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi STOCKEDM133 


        If the Payroll activity and Payroll register reports are not the same it means a manual change has been made to the employee card>>Pay History. 


        The Payroll activity report gets it's data from pays recorded in Process Payroll. 

        The Payroll register, Payroll Summary and YTD verification reports get their data from the employee card>>Pay History.


        This means that the only way to fix this particular issue is to change the Pay History back to what it should be. If you are using MYOB Business and have processed pays in the current year, the payroll year has automatically rolled over and the only way to fix the Pay history is for the file to come in for repair. The post, Payroll activity and Payroll register reports are not the same, has detailed information on this.


        If this is your issue you will need to process adjustment pays or reverse any processed adjustment pays so that the Payroll activity report is correct. Once the activity report is correct send me the following information in a private message:


        • serial number
        • primary contact name and email
        • screenshot of the Payroll activity detail report for the affected employees for the full year
        • screenshot of the Payroll register detail report for the affected employees for the full year

        If the Payroll activity and Payroll register reports do match, I will need you to provide detailed information on what changes were made and exactly which reports didn't match.