Forum Discussion

LGreig's avatar
Contributing User
2 months ago

STP Error

Hi there, Hoping someone can help me fix a problem.

Have just established that a pay run processed 24/6/24 For Gross amount $704 was accepted by STP as zero. Therefore the STP and MYOB report doe not balance for the PAYG 1/4/24-30/6/24. 

Would I need to do a reverse payment and re-enter but how will it know it needs to be in previous financial year? and how is Super affected?


1 Reply

  • Hi LGreig,


    Thanks for your post. I can see that the STP and MYOB report doesn't balance. It can be a bit tricky, but let's try to sort it out. Please check this thread as it has detailed information on how to fix the issue.


    Feel free to write a post if you need further assistance.


