Forum Discussion

RogerA's avatar
2 years ago

Customer balances with no outstanding transactions

I have 3 customers with outstanding balances on the card file but with no outstanding invoices in the 'Sales Register'  I have followed the suggestions in other similar posts and checked the "Outstanding Invoice Anaylsis" screen and the "Aged receivables [summary] report , for these customers run with a date of 31/12/9998 and they are all blank.  It looks llike I need to send the company file in for a card re-balancing.  Sample screen shots attached.




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  • Hi RogerA 


    Based on the screenshot you have uploaded, I would agree it likely needs to come in for an investigation and possible repair. So we can arrange for that would you mind sending me a private message on this Forum with your product serial number and the name of the customer's card that is impacted.