KHBDarwin's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Report: Supplier Payment History - Job filter

My client recently upgraded to the 2013 version of MYOB to have access to the convenience of the MYOB cloud. In doing so they have lost the ability to report on current/past supplier payment history by Job number. This is a huge disadvantage to my client. Being in the construction industry they have maintain their effecient system by being able to veiw this style of report.


Now I get to deal with a angry client.... Thanks MYOB!


"Job filter on Supplier Payment History"


  • Status changed:
    Thanks for the suggestion KHBDarwin. I have marked this as planned as the jobs filter not showing on the supplier payments history report is an issue. We try to keep the functionality the same between versions so this is something we definitely want to bring back. We do apologise for any inconvenience caused.
  • Status changed:

    Thank you all for your idea. We understand this is an important idea. We did hope to make this idea possible for our clients. However, due to changes in priorities, we’re no longer able to deliver this idea in the immediate future.