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MYOB Announcements

Getting to Know... Jennie Kingma

JasonHill's avatar
Former Staff
11 years ago



PictureNov2010-2.pngJennie Kingma has been busy performing installations, setups, troubleshooting and training of MYOB software for two decades.


“I was introduced to MYOB in 1994 when a potential bookkeeping client gave me the program and said ‘sort it out’,” Jennie says. “I have also seen Version 1 of MYOB when a client turned up on my doorstep with an old Apple computer with MYOB on it.”


A loyal MYOB Partner who has prominent MYOB logos and licence plates on her company cars, Jennie’s business philosophy is in line with MYOB’s mission to make business life easier. “I am passionate about teaching people how to manage their business and make their bookkeeping easy,” she says.


Despite her demanding business in Hamilton New Zealand, Jennie is one of the most active contributors on the MYOB Community Forum, with over 1100 friendly and informative posts.


“I love helping people and can’t help myself,” Jennie says of her frequent assistance. “I love reading the questions and being able to help someone through an issue they are having.”


Well known on the forum as jenniek, Jennie’s avatar is an opera singer – a glimpse of her personality. “I’m an out there person – not backward in coming forward!”


Jennie says she started using the Community Forum as a source of information to learn more about the software, but ended up answering some questions and helping others. “I still read the forum most days to find out information and am now searching it to see if others are having the same issues and if there is a solution.”


Jennie describes a typical day as “hectic”. “I normally start the day in the home office checking emails, then go to the office. The phone doesn’t stop with client problems and I spend a lot of time out visiting clients.


“One day is never the same - problem solving can vary from simple problems to more complex issues. I love the challenge! I also love the flexibility with the kids, but am often on the computer after dinner late into the night.”


Jennie recently started recommending clients move to the new AccountRight if they have capable hardware and want to save time. “The bank feeds are wonderful. For most users the program has some great features.”


Her top tip for new AccountRight users is to have patience. “Set your system up correctly. Get help to do that and the process will be a lot less stressful and easier to come to grips with. I’m a believer in KIS - Keep it Simple.”


Jennie’s current favourite gadget is her new laptop, but she also “wouldn’t do without my iPad for constant emails and diary updating during the day”. “I’m known to have a phone to my ear most of the time so I guess the iPhone is also a must.”


MYOBCars.jpgNormally super-reliable, Jennie’s worst day was when she was in such a rush she filled up her diesel Jeep up with petrol. “I stopped soon after realising what I did, then sat on the roadside outside of the city for two hours waiting for the AA (Automobile Association) to come and tow me home.


"I finally got to the client the next day – a bit embarrassed and sheepish about having to re-schedule.”


Jennie also successfully juggles the demands of her three teenage daughters, recently finished renovating a house, and is about to start building a new one. She also manages an Inline Hockey team – “a sport I didn’t know existed until a few years ago”.


Unsurprisingly, Jennie is most looking forward to a Christmas break. “We are going to a beach which is far away from civilisation. No phones, no internet, no TV. I’m going to sit on the beach and read a book and relax.”

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
  • I was particularly impressed by her background and expertise in bookkeeping. Bookkeeping is a crucial aspect of finance management, as it helps to accurately track and record financial transactions, ensure compliance with financial regulations, and provide a clear picture of an individual or organization's financial health.

    I look forward to learning more about Jennie's insights and recommendations on finance management and bookkeeping. I believe that her knowledge and experience can provide valuable insights and guidance for anyone looking to improve their financial management skills.

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    Thank you, Jason for another well written piece on another one of our valued contributors on the MYOB Community forum. 


    I'm sure the rest of the Moderators from the Support team will agree with me when I say that we really appreciate your contributions (especially with some of the tricky NZ Payroll posts). Love Your Work.


    I hope you have a wonderful (well deserved) Christmas break :smileyhappy:




    MYOB Support