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MYOB Announcements

Getting to Know... Mike James

JasonHill's avatar
Former Staff
11 years ago

Mike James first started using MYOB accounting software over 20 years ago, and still has the floppy disks to prove it.


He then spent five years training people in MYOB software at an Auckland community college. The role provided Mike with an excellent grounding in the program as well as fantastic experience dealing with a wide range of people and their varied needs.


Mike James photo.jpgToday Mike uses his accounting, technical and training skills in his work with DataWise Limited, which offers MYOB consulting, customised reporting, system integration services and add-on programs.  


Mike is passionate about problem solving “and the challenge of creating something unique to meet the client’s requirements”. “The best feedback I ever had was from a client in Melbourne who said that my report was going to save their marriage!”


Mike has long been one of the most active contributors on the Community Forum, with over 2200 helpful posts to date. He says he contributes to the forum “to help others, learn more and keep my knowledge current”. “I’ve always been an active participant in professional forums, including an early MYOB consultants’ forum in New Zealand.”


In 2006, Mike was recognised by MYOB with an award for his outstanding consultancy work with fellow MYOB Partners as well as software users. “It gradually it dawned on me that it was me being described!” says the humble MYOB expert. “I was almost speechless.”


A married father of four, Mike immigrated to New Zealand from England in 1976 but was born in Boston Massachusetts. He is now lucky enough to be able to walk down to nearby Takapuna beach from his home office. He loves that “every day is different” - although “every day starts with a home-made espresso!”


Mike also enjoys occasional travel, including training MYOB users in Fiji. One of his most satisfying working roles involved regularly visiting north-east China to assist an Australian company with their accounting needs. Mike was able to pick up a limited Mandarin vocabulary, and even learn several Chinese songs.


Currently a tenor in the Auckland North Shore Men’s Choir, Mike has always loved singing. “I don’t have a trained voice, but I really enjoy singing multi-part in groups. The harmonies and group dynamics are great fun.” Mike also has enviable record collection, including 60s and 70s vinyl from the likes of Joni Mitchell, Led Zepplin, Neil Young and Jimi Hendrix.


Mike has helped thousands of MYOB users with his comprehensive yet easy-to-follow forum responses, which often come often complete with screenshots and helpful links.


His top tips for new AccountRight users are to “make sure your set-up tasks have been carried out correctly”, “make contact with an MYOB consultant for independent on-site assistance” and “keep your accountant in touch with your plans”.


Mike also recommends that users “put your file in the cloud so that you, your staff, management, and other external advisers, can work with you. And subscribe to bank feeds – they make a tedious process more enjoyable, accurate and efficient.”

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Hi there, I am looking for a MYOB expert to help me to upload orders via CSV and Excel to MYOB.  Our orders come in various formats and are from the 1 customer being shipped to multiple addresses.  If anyone can help me that would be great.  Many have tried......

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff

    Wow! Over 20 years experience!

    Hi Mike_James 

    I want thank you for all the fantastic work you've done on this forum, and for all the help you've given to MYOB Clients. Love your work!