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MYOB Announcements

Time to be a Superhero!

Suja_P's avatar
Former Staff
6 years ago


There's always plenty to do at tax time, and with Single Touch Payroll going into effect for everyone from 1 Jul 2019, this EOFY is going to be the busiest one yet.  


This means that – more than ever before – our community of clients and partners will be relying on your superpowers of knowledge and expertise to get compliant and ready for the new financial year. 


Will you be the 2019 Forum Superhero?


How do I participate, you ask? It's very simple! You will earn points each time you participate on the forum, right up until 31 July!


Here’s what you'll earn:


Be the one with the most points at the end of the competition, to win a prize worth $750! Come second to win a prize worth $350.


There will be other prizes for:


  • the top Solution provider
  • the most engaged NZ (as per location provided during registration) member;
  • new member* with most kudos;
  • new MYOB Partner** with most kudos;
  • post with most kudos

     *new member – any member with a lifetime count of 10 posts or less

     **new MYOB Partner - any MYOB Partner with a lifetime count of 10 posts or less


Find out more in our Terms and Conditions. And don’t forget to check back here for point leader updates. 


We’ll be announcing the winners of our 2019 Superhero competition on 1 August 2019.



Suja Pillai
Social Support and Community Manager
MYOB Australia Pty Ltd

Published 6 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi everyone,


    Here are the Superhero Points Leader board from - 01 Jul 2019 to 14 Jul  2019:


    1. bungy15               1323
    2. GDay53                   392   
    3. CloudMindAcc  294
    4. DannyTangney       259    
    5. Mike_James            196


    Congratulations and thank you very much to everyone on the leader board! Special thank you to Tracey (bungy15), who with close to 300 posts, (47 of which were marked as solutions), in the last weeks. Your prompt and informed responses on the STP related queries have been absolutely brilliant. 


    I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank the many other members of our community who took the time, during this busy period. to share information and solutions with the rest of the community. Your support meant that the Social Support team (MYOB Moderators) could focus on helping clients with queries that needed an input from MYOB. 


    Thank you - sholt73gavin12345KylieDIanChaitjenniekLiz_A  David-LMCAJB_Incredable , Samex   JB_Incredable,  Samex , cheleHidesRita_DavilaORSL , Lynne-H KerryundJanisMGosnellsBest , cass14 , TomD


    With just two more weeks before the end of the competition, I look forward your continued support, and giving away the grand prize of $750.00. Also look forward to announcing and awarding prizes for the below categories:


    • the top Solution provider
    • the most engaged NZ (as per location provided during registration) member;
    • new member* with most kudos;
    • new MYOB Partner** with most kudos;
    • post with most kudos

         *new member – any member with a lifetime count of 10 posts or less

         **new MYOB Partner - any MYOB Partner with a lifetime count of 10 posts or less


    Thank you!


    Suja Pillai

    Social Support and Community Manager
    MYOB Australia Pty Ltd

  • bungy15's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    You’re very welcome Suja and thank you  😊 it has certainly been an EOFY to remember


    Thanks very much Renae. I’m trying to convince my sons to call me legend now 😂




  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    With over 3000 posts (close to double that of the same time last year) and over 47K unique visitors, last week of June 2019 has, by far, been the busiest last week of June we've ever had on the forum.


    A huge thank you to our helpful contributors, for spending time during this busy period to help others in need. Thank you also to everyone else, for your patience when some posts go unanswered or receive delayed responses. The Social Suppost team (MYOB Moderators) is working hard to get to all posts that haven't had a response from the generous community.


    Superhero Points Leaderboard from 24 June 2019 to 30 Jun 2019


    1. bungy15                  637
    2. DannyTangney       298
    3. GDay53                   202
    4. CloudMindAcc   158
    5. Mike_James            146 


    Thank you very much to each of our top Superheros for your help during this busy period. 


    Thank you also to gavin12345sholt73Melinda_vanDyk Stapler and Wolfie2011 for their contributions and being among the top 10 in the points tally.


    Happy new year everyone!


    Love Your Work!



    Suja Pillai
    Social Support and Community Manager
    MYOB Australia Pty Ltd