Forum Discussion

MYOB_API_Team's avatar
MYOB Staff
2 years ago

Changes to Our Terms and Conditions for the MYOB Developer Program

Hi there,


At MYOB we’re constantly looking for ways to improve the MYOB Developer Program experience and to ensure that our policies explain how the Program works.

We’re letting you know about a few updates to our MYOB Developer Program and Platform Terms and Conditions.

Here’s a summary of the key changes:

  • Eligibility: We’ve clarified who is eligible for the Program (clause 1).
  • API Access: We’ve introduced:
    • A requirement to provide MYOB with “use cases” supporting your request to access API’s;
    • A requirement to only access API’s on an as needs basis and as authorised by MYOB and the end user; and
    • restrictions on sub-licencing or sharing of APIs and API keys (clauses 1 and 13-15).
  • Your Obligations: We amended existing obligations and introduced new obligations to MYOB and the end user (clause 13 and 14). These include:
    • enhanced security requirements when accessing, storing and using customer data via the MYOB API along with new confidentiality obligations (clauses 8 and 23-25).
    • You’re also now obliged to finish your app integration (if applicable) within 6 months of first accessing MYOB’s API’s, unless agreed otherwise (clause 10).
  • Data sharing: Enhanced clarity regarding when data can be shared with third parties (clauses 14 and 15).
  • Termination: Clarity regarding the rights of each party to terminate or suspend Developer access to the Program or Platform (sections 8, 20 and 23-25).

Please take a look at the full MYOB Developer Program and Platform Terms and Conditions (Terms) which includes changes not mentioned in this email.

These new Terms will come into effect on 17 January 2023 and your continued participation in the Developer Program after this date constitutes acceptance of the Terms.

If you have any questions, feel to log a ticket with the Customisation & Integration Team.

