Forum Discussion

Jeffr1's avatar
Experienced User
5 years ago

Taxable Payments Report

It is most dissapointing that the issue of running taxable payments report  is not been addressed by MYOB technical people and given some priority., plenty of posts in the forum


Reports run for at least half hour ( in my case) , sometimes the report times out , the  time when it looked like I had a report to review  all I I had was data for three suppliers rest of the report is blank, I have not experienced this problem in V19

if you expect clients to continuing using updated versions ( at a higher cost !!!) I dont think is too much to expect

for the software to perform, perhaps MYOB might care to explain to the ATO why users are not able to send their reports.


Please please lets have a solution and lets put some technical support to fix this serios problem

  • Haydes's avatar
    MYOB Product Team

    Hi Jeffr1 


    I have some good news for this, we found out what was causing the bug and have a fix coming in 2020.3 which is coming soon.


    I'm was assigned to fix this bug and was able to get the report to generate over 50 pages within 30 seconds for files larger than 3GB with the data being accurate each time we tested it. This release is currently with some dedicated testers to do deeper testing and make sure it's definitely ready for release.


    When will it come out?:

    I can't commit to an exact date/range as I'm not involved in the overall release plan but I do know that there is urgency to release this before the August 28 Deadline.


    So what happened?:

    Without getting too deep into the technical detail, it looks like this report has not been touched for a few years and 2020.2's database changes seem to change the way certain queries behave, with this query not following the conventions of the new ORM. It was fixed by making sure that we are following the new conventions and while we were at it we also made some optimisations to make it even faster.


    How to get notified of the new release?:

    Each release should send out an email to those that enabled email-comms with MYOB, but there is also the AccountRight Blog on the Forum that you can subscribe to for when the 2020.3 announcement post comes up you can get an email notification.



    I do apologise for the broken report, especially an important one like this, if you have any comments you'd like to make on this feel free to send me a Private Message on this Forum and I'll make sure to bring these up in our post-release meetings for improvement.


    You can send me a Private Message by clicking my username then clicking Send Message on the next page.


    As a note, I might not be able to respond to each message I get but I do keep each email I get.