Forum Discussion

Trish_Lee's avatar
Experienced User
6 days ago

Update on 3rd Party App error connecting to MYOB AccountRight.

HI All,

Like most of you the last month has certainly been a rocky road.


Over a hundred of our users were affected and it took almost 3 weeks to get a stable version that we could release to our clients and then another week to upgrade all our clients to the new version.

We have been quite fortunate as our client base on the main part were so understanding and preferred to wait until we had a solid working update.


As a company, we were not aware of the underlying browser issue in the development software that we use for our app and even though this in the end was not the complete problem, we felt that if not now, then in the future it could or would become a serious underlying issue. Because of this, we took the path to change and implement the WebView2 component, to somewhat future proof this aspect of our app.


I wanted to personally thank Steve_PP for the help with implementing the changes as he was so generous with his code, that saved us so much time and allowed us to not go chasing around for what we need to look at.


I also wanted to thank Tana from API Support and William from MYOB for the assistance that they gave.


Hopefully, moving forward, MYOB are now aware of what a major impact a change that was made to AccountRight, with no warning to the 3rd Party app developers, could cause such a catastrophic effect on so many small, medium and large business that use 3rd party apps on a daily basis with their MYOB AccountRight system. Perhaps in the future, prior notice of changes could be more visible to 3rd Party developers to avoid this major issue.


Once again, thanks to all the others in this forum for their support and assistance during this very distressing month.





  • UmeshP's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Hi Trish,

    It appears that this issue still has not been resolved.  Since Saturday 14/09/2024 we have had issues uploading data to our 3rd party app Pepperi.  How can this be resolved as soon as possible?


