"Payment of your subscription was unsuccessful. As a result your account will be suspended."
I updated my payment details to dirtect debit from a credit card which had to cancelled for security reasons about two weeks ago, despite payment for "Invoice Payments Transactions Fee" successfully being able to be paid through the same direct debit account.
So get the message telling me MYOB is about to suspend my subscription due to lack of payment so check my account payment profile to make sure I entered bank details correctly, which they are.
"Payment of your subscription was unsuccessful. As a result your account will be suspended."
How about raising the question that there's a possible issue before going straight into threats to suspend?
Would be really handy to talk to someone at MYOB about it but as per usual , I have to go around in circles on the website following the "contact us" which does everything it can to avoid actually being contactable leaving me wondering if Zero would be worth looking into.