Forum Discussion

Shirlene's avatar
Experienced User
6 years ago

Can I bulk close jobs in Job Manager

We have been using Job Manager for approx 3 years now and have just converted over from Banklink Workflow Manager full time.


We have changed our milestones and now the end milestone has changed.  All of our previous jobs that have been completed are now showing as incomplete because they have not been marked in the new miletones.  I am currently filtering these out however wonder if there is a way to bulk close all of these jobs.

  • Alternatively, set the end milestone back to the old one and just rename it to your new desired name.  Then add the old milestone name as a new one.


    Old jobs still won't be marked quite correctly, but they will be "finished".

  • kyla's avatar
    MYOB Staff

    HI Shirlene 


    As you found, once you change and add to existing milestones, it can cause previously closed jobs to reappear; especially if the end milestone has changed.


    There is no bulk close option available in Job Manager so they would need to be closed individually if you don't want to continue to filter them out or else pay for a custom script to be written to update your jobs.  If you're interested in a custom script, can you please log a support call via the my.myob website so this can be actioned.


  • Alternatively, set the end milestone back to the old one and just rename it to your new desired name.  Then add the old milestone name as a new one.


    Old jobs still won't be marked quite correctly, but they will be "finished".

    • Shirlene's avatar
      Experienced User

      Many Thanks Jacksen.


      This sorted my issue and only had a few job to ccomplete and not thousands.