Report: Customer Payments [Salesperson] - include invoice number
When calculating Sales rep commissions I use the Customer Payments [Sales Person] report as commission is calculated on payments not orders. If there was a column on the report with the invoice number it would save me hours of work.Our reps require invoice numbers as references (as I'm sure most do) on their sales commission reports and I'm having to go into every single payment listed on the report to see what the invoice number is and note it down. Then export the report to Microsoft Excelto add in the invoice numbers. As we have sales reps nationally this is quite a task. Adding this field to the report would make life a lot easier for me and I suspect others too. "Invoice number field on Customer Payments [Sales Person] report"Purchases: Professional - invoice number column
I sometimes key in a statement from a supplier (when not using inventory) rather than each individual invoice using the Professional Layoutbecause it can beless time consuming. Is it possible to have another column in there for invoice numbers to be entered that would be a field that could be searched, like we can alreadyin Find Transactions, Supplier Invoice Number ? "Purchases - Professional Layout needs invoice number column that can be searched?"2.2KViews1like0Comments