Multi-Currency: Sales exchange rate decimal place increase (5)
Dear MYOB I work in both Japanese Yen and US dollars accounts and would like to report an issue with the number of available decimal pleaces that MYOB uses for currency exchange. While the USD conversions work well given the relative similarity in figures for USD to AUD, this is not the same for JPY to AUD. For example, please see as follow:- I have a Japanese Yen amount of JPY2,867,542. To show this as the amount I received in my AUD account of $35,310.21, this needs an exchange rate of .012313754463736. If I use this exchange rate, MYOB rounds this exchange rate to 0.12314. That being the case, this recognises the money in as $35,310.91 needing a manual adjustment of 70 cents for this transaction. This is time consuming and an issue that I believe would be better addressed by MYOB is enabling a greater range of decimal places. "Currency Decimal Place Limitation"3.5KViews1like4CommentsSales: Change of decimal places on values
Our company deals in small items that are sold in vast quantities. The unit pricing on these itemshave at least four decimals placesand when dealing with quantities anywhere from 10,000 to beyond 50,000, a mere $0.0001 can make a difference. When entering Sales Invoices MYOB AccountRight Plus (v2012) has the ability to accept entries with as many decimal places as I need, resulting in the correct total on the invoice. My issue arises with these invoices are printed or forwarded via email. This is when MYOBchanges the decimal rounding to the standard two places on the unit pricing and all other amounts. The result is a lot of upset clients that feel they are being over charged when the numbers are being rounded up. This is not the case, however it can look that way. Is there anyway that there could be a settingadded that will allowthe user to change the automatic rounding of numbers on invoices, leaving the rounding to be shown at the final total of the invoice. Thanks Jen "Setting the number of decimal places"34KViews35likes47Comments