Multi-currency Sales Invoice
When I create a sales invoice in AUD, our local currency, our selling price is AUD58. When I create a sales invoice in SGD, the selling price is still 58, but now SGD58. When I create a sales invoice in MYR, the selling price is still 58, but now MYR58. When I create a sales invoice in ZAR, the selling price is still 58, but now ZAR58. I can't change the local currency on the create invoice screen which is the field that gets converted. So now I sell my item for: AUD18.54 in Malaysia AUD64.74 in Singapore AUD4.76 in South Africa!! That is less than my cost price. Why doesn't the system pick up the local currency selling price and converts the foreign currency to match the selling price?Multi-Currency: List foreign currency cards in Ship to for Purchases
Hi MYOB, When the end user is creating purchase orders with suppliers they have lost the ability to ship to another foreign currency card. The option is displayed however it seems none of the currency cards are listed? Please fix "Multiple Currency Bug - lost the ability to ship to another foreign currency card"2.6KViews4likes2CommentsMulti-Currency: Sales exchange rate decimal place increase (5)
Dear MYOB I work in both Japanese Yen and US dollars accounts and would like to report an issue with the number of available decimal pleaces that MYOB uses for currency exchange. While the USD conversions work well given the relative similarity in figures for USD to AUD, this is not the same for JPY to AUD. For example, please see as follow:- I have a Japanese Yen amount of JPY2,867,542. To show this as the amount I received in my AUD account of $35,310.21, this needs an exchange rate of .012313754463736. If I use this exchange rate, MYOB rounds this exchange rate to 0.12314. That being the case, this recognises the money in as $35,310.91 needing a manual adjustment of 70 cents for this transaction. This is time consuming and an issue that I believe would be better addressed by MYOB is enabling a greater range of decimal places. "Currency Decimal Place Limitation"3.5KViews1like4CommentsMulti-Currency: Job assigned to currency gain/loss
When a Foreign Currency payment is made, the "job number" is left blank when the journal is posted to FX Gain/Losses in the P&L. It would reduce my workload ofhaving to process manual GL journals, if the gain/loss was automaticlly posted to the job number the purchase was recorded against. "Currency gains/losses allocated to a job number"3.7KViews4likes2CommentsMulti-Currency: Customer deposit payments exchange residual value
I am new to using multi currency, however I do understand the logic behind it. When it is a simple case of recording a sale (at a given exchange rate) and then receiving the funds (at a different exchange rate), the difference will be recognised asfx gain/loss. I believe MYOB handles this easily. However when I make use of the Sales Order/Customer deposits facility, it does not work so easily (I am happy to be corrected, but I spoke to support today and they agreed with me and suggested I post details of it here, so this is exactly what I am doing). I have attached screen prints of my example. The chain of events is as follows: 1) Sales Order raised - EUR1000 (AUD 1,200 equivalent) 2) Customer deposit received for full amount - EUR1000 (AUD1,300 equivalent) 3) Sales Order coverted to Invoice Theoretically, after all these transactions, theBalance Sheet accounts (Trade Debtors/Trade Debtors Exchange Account + Customer Deposits/Customer Deposits Exchange Account) should all be nil - i.e. invoice raised and paid in full, so nothing should be left on the balance sheet. But there is - $100DR in Trade Debtors Exchange Account and $100CR in Customer Deposits Exchange Account - these amounts need to offset each other (by a manual general journal). Refer attached screen prints. So I then thought ifmanually cleared the $100 gain at the customer receipt stage (because MYOB will allow you to changethe gain or loss to whatever you want it to be - sounds dangerous), then maybe I would solve my issue. However, I end up with $100CR in Customer Deposits Exchange Account and missing $100CR in FX gain. Again a GJ required to clear the imbalance. Refer attached screen prints. Do you agree there is an issue here? If no, please advise what I am missing. If you do see an issue, will this be fixed? Again, I am very happy to be corrected if I have misunderstood the process. "Multicurrency - Is this a bug?"6.8KViews12likes6CommentsMulti-Currency: Import Purchase Orders
We purchase our stock from overseas and our supplier invoices are all in EURO. At present it is not possible to import a file using foreign currency, meaning all purchase orders have to be entered manually. The ability to import this data would save our business hours of work. "Import Purchase Oders Using Foreign Currency Pricing"Multi-Currency: Transfer Money between currency accounts
In the current AccountRight multi-currency version, bank transfer between two foreign currency accounts is not possible. E.g. entry between EURO to EURO bank transfer. The previous desktop version allowed. We have to record the transfer transaction over different spend money & receive money transactions which is absolutely a waste of time. "Bank transfer between two foreign currencies"3KViews3likes4Comments