Preview Invoices Before Being Recorded
I would like to request the option to preview invoices before they have been recorded. This way if the setting "Transactions CAN'T be Changed; They Must be Reversed" is being used I can still preview the invoice and make changed before the invoice gets recorded and unable to make any changes to the invoice.Card File: Ability to set head office cards/accounts
One feature that is lacking from MYOB is the abillity to have a Head Office account so multiple customers can have their invoices combined onto one statement. for example one of our customers is a chain of hardware stores currently we use one account (ABC Hardware - head office)to invoice the store in the PO# we put the PO # Town it would be much simpler if we could have an account for each store (much easier when looking at their history) that is then charged back to the Head Office account and will appear on one statement easily identified by our customer as PO # Town Inv # Hope thismake sense :) "Customer Cards - Head Office Accounts"24KViews42likes41CommentsReceive Payments: Ability to receive a payment in bulk from multiple debtors into the one account
Hi, i would like to put forward the idea of "bulk receiveing payments" from multiple debtors into an account. To put into context, we run an online business where we get several sales a day via our website and ebay. We load our customers individually (onto separate cards) and many of our customers are also repeat. From the invoices we naturally receive a number of payments each day - going (usually) to the same accout - be it paypal, chequing account etc etc. It would be handy and very time effective to be able to "select" all debtors who have paid into the same account on a particular day and "process" with one click of a button. From a back end persepctive effectively it is selecting multiple trade debtors (DR) and allocating to an asset account (CR) in one move rather than doing this individually. NB. Emailing the invoices is not important to us - as we print and enclose with our packages. Any work around or implementation would be greatly appreciated! :) Best regards, Matt "Bulk Receiving of Payments"9.9KViews36likes17CommentsForms: Ability to draw (straight) line using Shift command
Did a quick search for this and couldn't find something related. Lengthy post, mostly rant, summary of what's needed at the bottom. Spent 20 minutes with support today, only to find out that there is literally nothing that can be done to solve my issue. I was told that the development team may be working on some updates to invoices, and that I could suggest some ideas on the forum. The problem is, when importing invoices from v19, the formatting screws up the invoice, so you need to edit it to fix up the formatting. But 2014.4 does not make it easy. Tables are definitely a great idea, but when they limit you they just become frustrating. If you look in my attachment, you will notice that the price columns seem like they are wide enough to hold number data, but there is this HUGE padding on the left side of the column. Why? I don't know. Even if there is a reason, at least allow us to edit it. So I thought to myself, well maybe I can manually put in lines, instead of the border tool as a sort of workaround to get rid of the padding. This doesn't solve the problem though as it just moves the padding to the other columns. As well as this, as you can't make STRAIGHT lines, by holding the shift key or another command, it makes invoice creation nearly impossible. I have been using the square tool, overlapping serveral squares to make the lines in my document. Which brings another problem, when you make several sections of a document that need to overlap, you usually need it to overlap to the pixel, otherwise it will look strange. But you can not make a box or line a specific size, only change the x and y co ordinates. Im not sure if that makes sense, but basically if you are embedding an element, such as a table in to a larger box, you need the outer borders to overlap. In which case they must have the exact same width. I know you can see the dimensions when resizing, but I have found in my experience that they are not pixel perfect. There was a feature in v19 that allowed you to change sizes but not in 2014.4. I also know that elements can snap to the grid, and zoom in, but when sizing is not exactly the width of the grid and what not it still becomes fiddly. Sorry if some sections seemed like a rant, but it's just frustrating when updating to a new version of MYOB to find that invoice editing has actually become harder. I don't know what to do, but it seems like I will have to make 3 separate tables, for a four column table, to 'hide' this padding and make manual lines which aren't straight to separate the columns. It seems to me that its completely useless to even have tables at this point. If there is a solution that I am just simply missing, that would be great, but I have posted in the community forum and called support to find no help. To summarise this is what I would like to see added to the invoice features: Allow us to make straight lines Allow us to change the padding in tables, or at least get rid of it Allow us to edit the width and height of shape and other elements to the pixel or cm. And if possible, fix the importing of forms from v19 to 2014.4. This is probably a harder one however, and may not be possible. "Invoice Editing"3.5KViews7likes3CommentsIn Tray: Attach Invoice Document Directly from Purchase Window
The In Tray functionality for purchases was a great addition and is extremely useful. I'd like to suggest being able to attach the invoice to a Purchase directly from the Edit Purchase window. Currently, if I'm editing a purchase and notice that no invoice has been attached, I can't just click an"Upload File" button. I need to exit the purchase, go to In Tray, Add Document, Link to Existing Bill, find the original Purchase I was working on and then link the uploaded document. It would be extremely useful to avoid all of these extra steps and just have a one-click upload feature, similar to the Unlink button you already provide in the Edit Purchase window.3.5KViews17likes3CommentsSales: Ability to set a default form for invoices and another for quotes
I would like to set one default form for an Item Quote, and a separate default form for an Item Invoice. In other words: We have 2 Form Templates - one for quotes - lets call this one "QuoteFormat", and another for invoices - lets call this one "InvoiceFormat". These forms are slightly different At the moment we have the default set as "QuoteFormat" so that every Item sale by default prints/emails using the "QuoteFormat". Every time we have to send an invoice we need to change the form to "InvoiceFormat". This requires [unnecessary] extra clicks, it's easy to forget to do this, and certainly slows the process down - I use the latest AccountRight Live (2015.2) so it is often quite slow to display the list of available forms. An additional important benefit to this would be the ability to use the "Save to Disk" feature on Invoices - which CANNOT select a custom form other than the default (Crazy, right??) If anyone has any ideas, please post them :smileyhappy: "Separate default forms for (item) Quotes and Invoices"9.2KViews19likes13Comments