Lock period: Prevent Activity slips being entered into period.
We currently use activity slips to record staff activities and client billing. We've noticed that even if we select Lock Period we are still able to enter activity slips prior to that date. Example: Lock Period - disallow entries prior to 1/7/15. However we have found that we can still enter activity slips dated 1/6/15. We have since been advised by MYOB that the lock period function does not work for activity slips or timesheets as activity slips and timesheets do not affect the general ledger. This has been an issue for us particularly if staff have not noticed that they entered the wrong date when entering activity slips. On a number of occassions they've entered an entry as say 1/5/15 instead of 1/6/15 and thinking that they haven't entered the information when they run a report,they have entered again at the correct date. End result is that the client may be charged twice, or for activities in the wrong period. It would be great if the lock period function could also be applied to Activity Slips and Timesheets. "Lock Period so Activity Slips Cannot Be Entered"3.2KViews1like4Comments