Forum Discussion

cessna172's avatar
3 years ago

first accounts 3.1 will it work with windows 11

Hi there,

we are still running first accounts v3.1 , yes i know its ancient but it works for me fine , currently using windows 7 on our old pc which is about to be replaced , the questions i have is , is v3.1 compatiable with windows 11 ?, and if not how do i go about upgrading it and transfering all my data to our new computer without having major issues , we are a small farming business so only need a basic accounting program.

Many thanks Cheers

  • Steven_M's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hi cessna172 


    Due to its age, we wouldn't be able to supply any information in relation to moving such an old version to a new computer.

    However, it would likely be a case of installing that older version on the new computer and then copying the company file across to that new computer. 

  • Hi cessna172 


    FristAccounts is a VERY old version of the software like pre-2000 version. In theory, if it worked on Windows 7 it would potentially work on Windows 11 but it certainly wouldn't be supported in that environment by MYOB.

    My recommendation, if you are in a position to upgrade, would be to look into the latest MYOB Business range as per MYOB Business and we would more than likely be able to migrate that data across as well as per MYOB Upgrade.

    • Hi Steven,

      thank you so much for your reply and suggestions , if i decide not to up grade but carry on with my  v3.1 , what would the process be in as far as transferring the programe and all my first accounts data over to a new windows 11 laptop?.


      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi cessna172 


        Due to its age, we wouldn't be able to supply any information in relation to moving such an old version to a new computer.

        However, it would likely be a case of installing that older version on the new computer and then copying the company file across to that new computer. 

  • Liz_A's avatar
    Valued User

    Hi cessna172 


    I haven't used that version and am not using Windows 11 but you may be able to copy the whole programme folder over and find the application file to open it on Windows 11. For example, I have copied all of the MYOB v12 to v16 over to my new Windows 10 laptop and have found the MYOB.exe file and modified it for each version (MYOB12.exe, MYOB13.exe, etc.) and have been able to use each version on Windows 10. I have to use workarounds for links to MS Office but otherwise, it works. Worth a try.




    • Hi there Liz ,

      thank you so much for advice , just not sure yet which will be the less stressfull way to go ,
