Going around in Circles getting nowhere
Hi Folks
I am going around in circles - I have just been told by Tana that everything is fixed yet I am still not being issued correct initial tokens.
My apps are built around MS Access - and the quickest was I found if the MYOB server is issuing tokens correctly is to post the initial
https://secure.myob.com/oauth2/account/authorize?client_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&redirect_uri=http://desktop&response_type=code&scope=CompanyFile to a browser - chrome and I will see a code in the return address. Once I know that is working I can then go back into my own app and refresh and away it goes.
Since the 1st crash - I was off the air for 3 days until I found that this gave me 20 minute access - and told MYOB tues their refresh token was wrong.
After the MYOB fix tues - nothing worked.
I am dead - nothing gets me anything except offline tokens.
Has MYOB done something that this approach no longer works - if they are back online - what has changed.
My keys were revoked - and access permitted again - there is nothing my end that has changed.
Anyone go any ideas - surely I don't have to get access using their sdk only. I would have clients screaming for blood.
Regards The Doc