Forum Discussion

Janeharkz's avatar
Contributing Cover User
6 years ago

IRD Data Feed

Since Inland Revenue have moved to their new system we have not received any data.

The download history is showing the it is running at the scheduled time and it is passing since 26 April but has yet no data has been received. 

Is this is an IRD issue or are we required to do something at our end.


  • I am having the identical problem. Though it is impossible to get in contact with IRD or MYOB at the moment over their phone lines. Does anyone have an answer please?

  • We are having the same issue can someone please advise if this is an IRD or MYOB issue and when and how it can be fixed .

    • I have been advised that the latest MYOB AO Tax Manager update which was released Monday 6th May, should fix this issue now.

    • I dont' seem to be able to access the Client IRD data refresh in Tax Manager against a client.  How do I fix this as have had the upgrade on Tuesday and setup through mainteance map the IRD and client list which says all ok.

      • Suja_P's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi everyone,


        Sorry about the delay with getting back to your post. 


        Please find below instructions from our Support team on how to ensure the IRD Download works:  


        1. MYOB is on version 2019.0 Service Pack (Service Pack update was release on Monday last week, which is 6th May). To check if MYOB AO/AE is on right version, please click on, and check the Post Installation Section.
        2. Agency is linked to MYOB at IRD, more instruction on how to do that, please see
        3. The automatic schedule downloading time needs to be in between 11AM to 6:30PM.

        Do let us know how you go with this. If you continue to have issues, it would be best to contact our phone support team for further assistance. 

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi JaneharkzJocelyn2 and Dianne60


    Thank you for you post. 


    Please download and install the 2019.0 service update, released yesterday to enable to IRD downloading feature.  The update file can be found from


    Do let us know how you go with this.


    • Calling MYOB today 13-05-19 at 16.30, apparantly we can still not get IRD information downloaded into MYOB AO.


      Can we please have an update on this issue. What is the timeframe for this being sorted?


      Are we going to be able to get client's penalties remitted for 7 May taxes, as I have not been able to access the 'missed payments'. 


      Thank you

    • TJCA's avatar
      Cover User

      Hi Suja


      The IRD data has downloaded (theres a lot!) to our system now.


      But: there are instances where it says there is a transaction to reconcile, however when I click into the IRD number it shows the account is reconciled.


      Is this a known error?


      Kind regards


  • copes's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    We seem to be having the same problem with individual Client IRD data refresh - comes up with a Error:Login Failed message. I was able to do a Bulk Refresh on 10 May, but have tried again within the last hour and have an error that "Bulk refresh cannot be performed....."