Dashboard: Fully customisable
It would be great if we couldl customise the Dashboard in Essentials to show information that is relevant to the particular user logged in. Also if we could click on something on the dashboard and it takes us straight into that bank feed, or account transations details etc. "Fully Customisable Dashboard in Essentials"3.5KViews19likes10CommentsInvoices: Sub-Headings, Sub-Totals and Blank lines
Hi All, MYOB Essentials does not allow Sub-Headings, Sub-Totals and Blank lines in Invoices & Quotes - this is a massive oversight of basic functionality, and I would request it be added as soon as possible. Xero and QuickBooks Online have this feature. Honestly, even lines that can just be filled with a description would be great - at present a line cannot be added to an invoice without a quantity, account and a price, and blank lines are removed when the Invoice/Quote is saved. I would imagine these are fairly straight forward features to implement, and low hanging fruit to bring MYOB Essentials in line with it's direct competitors. Thanks in advance. "Sub-Headings, Sub-Totals and Blank lines in Invoices & Quotes"3.9KViews19likes8CommentsReports: Employee Leave Entitlement Balance report
Can MYOB design & include in Essentials: Entitlement Balance detail report which shows A] by pay period, and B] for each leave type: employee name, opening balance leave hours, leave hours accrued, leavehours taken, leave available hours (cumulative). Please base design on "Entitlement Balance (detail) report" which is in Account Edge Pro v13.5 "MYOB Essentials - to provide Leave Entitlement Balance Detailed Report"13KViews61likes24CommentsDashboard: Sales target date range selection
Our business model invoices monthly onthe 3rd week of each month with a due date falling on the 1st of each month.Due to this monthly process, the revenue that gets paid does not show up in the correct month for the sales target function. Ex: We send July invoices in 3rd week of June withdue date of 1st of July (July Revenue) Majority ofclients pay before due date which means July revenue shows up in June sales target revenue (this is incorrect reporting for us). I would like to have a simple "Paid invoices date range option" This would allow me to set a paid date range so we can actually see if we hit our monthly sales target!! Can this be done? Or should I say "Will this be done"? Many thanks. "Essentials Sales Targets - Able to set invoices issues within custom date range"1.6KViews0likes1CommentInvoices: Ability to directly open/edit an Item from within an Invoice
Hi All, MYOB Essentials lacks the ability to directly open/edit an Item from within an Invoice. This isborderline infuriating when dealing with highly technical items that require constant adjusting and updating (especially with pricing and specs). I would consider this to be fairly key functionality -please advise if this willconsidered for implementation ASAP. Again - fairly low complexity and would really improve the invoicing experience in MYOB Essentials. Thanks in advance. "Ability to directly open/edit an Item from within an Invoice"1.6KViews0likes1Comment