Rakia_Stokell's avatar
Experienced Partner
8 years ago

Dashboard: Fully customisable

It would be great if we couldl customise the Dashboard in Essentials to show information that is relevant to the particular user logged in. Also if we could click on something on the dashboard and it takes us straight into that bank feed, or account transations details etc.


"Fully Customisable Dashboard in Essentials"

  • Please make it possible to remove coloumns from the dashboard as alot of these figures are an incorrect representation of our accounts at that point in time and just make it confusing. I dont need the GST refund PAYG & Super or credit cards box. Please consider this as it would make it A LOT easier.


    Kind regards 

    • Lolanat's avatar
      Cover User

      We could allow staff to access Invoice's without viewing all our other information - ...

      We would love for staff to create an invoice from the POS and not be concerned with who is looking over their shoulder

  • Is there a way to edit and customise the layout of the Dashboard, eg sizing and postions of sections?


    I would like to see "Invoices owed to me" at the top of the screen beside MONEY IN. 


    Additionally, relocate "GST REFUND", to the bottom of the dashboard next to "GST TO PAY". 



  • Me too, such as Equity amount shown right at the front. This information is confidential and should not be there for everyone to see.

  • This is related not so much to accounting, but rather a general comment about web-based concepts.  Nowadays, cloud-based web products that use relational tables in the back end (trying not to name non-MYOB products, but there are many out there) have the ability for users to customise their dashboards to more or less what they need.  There is generally a 'getting started' dashboard that provides basic info, and the options to incorporate customised reports either in graph or tabulated form.  Graphs are further customisable to shoe liner, pie, average and so on.


    In my view, MYOB is nearly there as there is an option now to show reports in a linear graph form but not (as far as I can tell) incorporate them in your dashboard.


    So my suggestion, which has probably been mentioned before is to perhaps spend some time in enhancing dashboard features to allow users to more easily customise and show the information that's most important to them, whatever that might be (usually based on a custom report of some kind).

  • Lahay's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    have recently changed over to MYOB Business Lite from AccountRight Basics.

    In my old format, the tile with " how your business is tracking" was the 2nd tile from top and was very useful to see at daily login.

    This tile is now further down, off screen on my desktop.

    A small issue, I realise, but can we have these tiles be able to rearrange to suit?



  • we need the ability to customise the dashboard to have our own summary or report. For us the middle section "Purchase" is not used as we make payment using credit card and banking then reconciled it in banking so it never shows up as a purchase or on the graph, this gives a false sense of expenses. What it should do is show income and expenses so you can see a quick glance at your company P&L

  • katem456's avatar
    Contributing User

    Please make the MYOB Business dashboard customisable. 

  • ben8465's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Agreed. Every user should be able to customise the Dashboard page on whats important for them.
    I'd also like to see the top half of the page that displays nothing but background be removed and the tiles moved up so I don't have to scroll down to see information.

  • judging from how long this thread has been up and nothing has been done, I can only concluded that they either simply dont care or not many people wanting it enough for them to do something about it.