Hi graemeb,
Thank you so much for the additional information and my apologies for the late response.
Upon conducting a more thorough investigation into this issue, we have identified a potential solution. This error can typically be resolved by following these steps:
- Deactivate the preference for "Automatically email sales when they are recorded (invoices, orders, and quotes)" under "Setup" >> "Preferences" >> "Sales/Purchases" before recording the sale or purchase.
If this initial step does not resolve the issue, please make sure that the linked accounts for both the "Bank account for electronic payments" and the "Bank account for Undeposited funds" are not left blank. You can verify this by navigating to "Setup" >> "Linked accounts" >> "Accounts and Banking accounts."
By following these instructions, we aim to address the problem you've encountered. If you continue to experience difficulties, please don't hesitate to reach out for further assistance.
Please do let us know how you go on this.