Forum Discussion

Moso2023's avatar
11 months ago

Log in issues


Just another post regarding MYOB login concerns. Three of us from the same company, sitting in the same room,  have completely different MYOB AR login processes since the upgrade that threw MYOB security out of whack. One of us is not required to sign in at all - just open MYOB and they are in - zero security which is a concern. One of us has not had their process changed at all, just the password required - normal security which is great. One of us now has to enter their email address and password everytime we they open MYOB AR - excessive & not needed security which is annoying. 


What would Goldilocks do?

  • Optomist's avatar
    Contributing User

    "One of us now has to enter their email address and password everytime we they open MYOB AR - excessive & not needed security which is annoying. "


    I've landed in that boat after the upgrade, slow and annoying. Please at least add a "remember email address" tick box.

    • Celia_B's avatar
      MYOB Staff

      Hi Moso2023,


      Thank you for your post and welcome to the Community Forum. 


      Recently we have taken steps to enable contextual and adaptive multi-factor authentication (MFA) controls within enhanced security capability. Because of this, MFA now determines the necessary level of authentication by looking at a variety of parameters, such as user's location, device, and behavior patterns, "Trust this device for 30 days" is not an option to remember your details as it may be prompted more frequently if additional authentication is required. You will be prompted to login after 12 hours as the login frequency is reverting to 12 hours. You can check out this link, for more information and updates. 


      If you still need assistance with this, or if you have questions and concerns, please feel free to post again.





      • Thank you for your response Celia_B. Could you please explain why we have to enter our email address with EVERY login EVERY 12 hours rather than just our password, the way it used to be on (MYOB oldspeak) 'secure devices'.