Forum Discussion

MOC's avatar
Contributing Cover User
4 years ago

Profit and Loss (last Year Analysis) for the year just ended and prior

Tyring to run
Profit and Loss (last Year Analysis) for July 2020 to June 2021 (with end of year adjustments) comparing 2019/20
As it is now July 2021 it is defaulting to current year July 21 -June 22
Is there a setting to to step back to run the report on 20/21 and the prior year

  • MYOB seems to save the financial year selected for other  P&L reports.
    Run the report "Profit & Loss statement" selecting the year you want to report.
    Return to the report menu and now run "Profit & Loss (Last Year Analysis)"
    It will create this report for the financial year previously selected.

  • MOC's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    MYOB seems to save the financial year selected for other  P&L reports.
    Run the report "Profit & Loss statement" selecting the year you want to report.
    Return to the report menu and now run "Profit & Loss (Last Year Analysis)"
    It will create this report for the financial year previously selected.

  • Hi MOC 


    Thanks for your post.


    The Profit & Loss [Last Year Analysis] will show the value based on the current financial year in the file (Setup>Company Information). As yours displays the year 2022, it sounds like you have already closed the 2021 year. 


    You could look into running the Profit & Loss [With Last Year] report. This report is choosing the FY to run on based on the filter for the normal Profit and Loss report. Run the normal Profit and Loss for the desired year, then run the Profit and Loss [With Last Year]. 

    • MOC's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Thanks for the reply,
      but no I haven't closed 2020/21 yet and it still would only post 2021/22 for this specifc "Profit & Loss (Last Year Analsis) " report.
      I have however found the reason ( for anyone following). If you carry out a [Report]-[Profit and loss statement]
      You can change the financial year for the report ie this year, last year,next year.
      It seems to remember this setting for when you select the [Report]-[Profit & Loss (Last Year Analysis) ]
      Run the report "Profit & Loss statement" selecting the year you want to report.
      Return to the report menu and now run "Profit & Loss (Last Year Analysis)"
      It will create this report for the financial year previously selected.