Forum Discussion

Michelle_nz's avatar
5 months ago

Report for payment terms

Is there a report I can run which shows which customers have 20th of the month payment terms and which ones have 7 day payment terms?

  • Hi Michelle_nz


    Welcome aboard to the Community Forum!


    Currently, there isn't a report available specifically showing customers' payment terms in MYOB. However, this is a great suggestion for a new feature. I encourage you to post this as a feature suggestion on our  Ideas board,  where our developers regularly review feature requests. This allows other users to vote on ideas they'd like to see in future updates.


    Feel free to post anytime you have any concerns or need further assistance.




  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi Michelle_nz , you can get that information by exporting the customer cards to a text file and copy the content to, or open that file in, Excel. 


    For an explanation of the payment term values, see Import and export fields (, customer cards section (desktop version of AccountRight assumed).


    If you need to do this often, save to a text file, then open Excel and use the Data, From Text/CSV process to create a table linked to that file, then save the excel file. Then to refresh the table, export the cards to the same text file again, right-click the table and choose refresh.

    You could also use the transform option of the Text/CSV process to remove all the columns you do not need. And you could add a formula to a column on the right which would put the payment terms in plain English, eg: 

    =CHOOSE([@Column94],"COD","Prepaid","# of days","DOM","# days after EOM","DOM after EOM"). A value of 5 in column94 (Terms - Payment is due) would show # days after EOM in the new column.