Forum Discussion

jfinighan's avatar
10 months ago

Access Denied error when creating a Bank File

Environment is Windows Server 2019, latest version of MYOB installed, MYOB data file is online.

After selecting transactions and clicking Bank File, user receives a message saying "something has gone wrong". 

In the diagnostics (which is written to C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\MYOB\AccountRight\Current\Diagnostics)  the following appears:
2023-11-21 10:36:14.5754,MYOB.Huxley.Application.FatalExceptionHandler,Fatal,1,Fatal Exception
1 : System.UnauthorizedAccessException
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'MYOB\AccountRight\Current' is denied.
at mscorlib!0x0600168a!System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) +0xaf
at mscorlib!0x06001704!System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectory(String fullPath, String path, Object dirSecurityObj, Boolean checkHost) +0x0
at mscorlib!0x060016fe!System.IO.Directory.InternalCreateDirectoryHelper(String path, Boolean checkHost) +0x9
at mscorlib!0x060016fc!System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path) +0xe
at Huxley.Context!0x06000012!MYOB.Huxley.Context.Application.GetCurrentUserDocumentsPath(Boolean create) +0x0
at Huxley.UI.Model!0x06002cc4!MYOB.Huxley.UI.Model.Facades.Common.UIApplication.GetCurrentUserDocumentsPath(Boolean create) +0x0
at Huxley.UI.Model!0x06002b64!MYOB.Huxley.UI.Model.Facades.Common.UIContext.GetCurrentUserDocumentsPath(Boolean create) +0x0
at Huxley.UI.Forms!0x06003609!MYOB.Huxley.UI.Forms.Banking.PrepareElectronicPayments.GetAndSetBankFileName(UIAccount account) +0x0
at Huxley.UI.Forms!0x06003603!MYOB.Huxley.UI.Forms.Banking.PrepareElectronicPayments.HandleBankFileClick() +0x231
at Huxley.UI.Forms!0x06003602!MYOB.Huxley.UI.Forms.Banking.PrepareElectronicPayments.tbbBankFile_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) +0x2b


The user has full read and write access to the C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\MYOB\AccountRight\Current folder. 
I renamed the MYOB folder and restarted MYOB. The MYOB folder was automatically recreated, with all required subfolders (clearly the user has read/write access to this path).
Same error occurs.
Running MYOB using an Administrator account enables the Bank File to be created normally.


  • Hi jfinighan,


    Thank you for your post. I'd like to extend a warm welcome to the community forum. I hope you find it a valuable resource.


    Generally, this error message means that a user is trying to access something they do not have access to. And logging in as an administrator will help resolve this error message which you’ve done. It's great to hear that you were able to find a solution to the issue. I would also suggest checking the user access to see if it is set up correctly.


    If you need any further assistance or have any other questions in the future, feel free to reach out. I'm always here to help!




    • Apologies, the information I provided was ambiguous. 

      I was only able to get it to work by running MYOB using a Windows Domain Administrator account (not a MYOB Administrator Account).

      This is not a solution - the user needs to be able to complete the task using their own Windows login.


      What I do not understand is that MYOB is able to create all the required folders in the user profile, but is then denied access to those folders when creating the bank file.


      Any assistance you can provide would be much appreciated.

      • Princess_R's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi jfinighan,


        Thank you for your response and for providing more clarity on the issue you're facing. It appears that the access limitation might be specific to the user profile settings within your Windows environment. Could you please try to troubleshoot by creating a new user profile and assigning the required permissions and access, specifically for banking? Then attempt to create a bank file using this newly created user profile to see if the issue persists. This process might help isolate whether the problem is related to user-specific settings or if it's a wider issue with MYOB's interaction within the Windows environment that needs an IT person.


        Please let me know how you get along and if you require any further assistance. I'm here to help.


