email export from specific date
Hi there,
I need to export emails from customer for a competition but only want customers from the last 2 years can this be done? Also once emails are expotred and saved into excel how can I can get rid of colums in between without doing it individualkly as the file is long also we need a a comma after each customer so that I can copy into email field.
Hope you can help
Hi lola_d,
Thank you for your post.
In AccountRight, the Import/Export Assistant allows you to export customer emails. However, it doesn't provide an option to filter customers by the last two years specifically. For additional guidance, please check out this Help article: Exporting Data. After exporting emails to Excel, you can efficiently remove unwanted columns by selecting them while holding down the "CTRL" key and then right-clicking to choose the "Delete" option.
Please let me know if you require further assistance.