Forum Discussion

Andrea27's avatar
6 months ago

Adding PAYG Instalment amounts in Business Lite


I have just downgraded from Account Right to Business Lite and need some help.

How do you add a PAYG instament from the ATO to the BAS report in Business Lite Please

  • Surely the PAYG instalment can be added to the BAS report as it is part of the BAS? I am also confused.

    • Did you work out how to do it?  It should be a simple process, but no!

      • Doreen_P's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hey sandrap2,


        I can see how that would be very frustrating for you to record additional PAYG installment. To record a PAYG instalment from the ATO, you can do it by creating either a 'spend money' transaction or a 'receive money' payment in MYOB. You can also refer to this link for more information.


        Best regards,


  • I too would like to know where the PAYGI amount can be added to the BAS report for the quarter/month.

    I understand the solution given below from the moderator but it doesn't show it in the GST report that is generated in MYOB Lite. 

    Does MYOB lite allow for it to be shown in the GST/BAS report?


  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Andrea27


    Welcome to the Community Forum. 


    Typically, a PAYG instalment from the ATO can be recorded by creating a 'spend money' transaction or a 'receive money' payment. For a more detailed understanding, I recommend going through the article 'Recording ATO Payments and Credits'. This will guide you on how to record these transactions in the application.


    If you need more clarification or have other queries, feel free to elaborate on your question or start a new thread.


    If my response has answered your inquiry, please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

