Forum Discussion

5 months ago

Double "Prepare Electronic File"

Hi Team.


I processed a payrun on the 14th of April for various employees.

The process was as it always is. Process Pay Run. Report for STP, Email payslips and finally make the electronic ABA file. Upload to Bank. Make payment.


When matching the Bank feed to the Electronic payment from the Electronic payment clearing account. It came up with "Possible matches". I picked the one that matched the reference. Upon investigatig the other transation for the same value and date, I noticed there were TWO values for each employee presented in the Electronic payment account.


The Second is an exact replica showing a transaction for each employee. I can't seem to remove with without it causing errors and effecting other areas of Accounting.


The issue I have is.

I have checked with ATO reporting on STP - Only one Report set and Accepted.

Only one Payslip for each staff memeber (Reference number matched BOTH Transactions listed in the Electronic Payment account)

The Payroll Activy report only shows the ONE Transaction for each employee which matched the payment correctly for the 17th.

If I reverse the pays to remove the transactions effecting these files, I'm going to zero the result in my accounting ledgers.


When I open the duplicate transaction it references to the original transaction matched to the bank feed. When I open the orginal transaction matched to the bank feed it opens the same file.


With the duplicated transactions STILL sitting displayed to be paid in the Electronic Payments account, it reconciles to ZERO since the orginal transaction has been matched to the bank feed and transferd over.

Yes when I select Prepare Electronic payment under banking...the duplicate files are sitting there.

If I pick them up as a payment, even to undeposited funds or another clearing account to puts the Electronic Clearing account out of balance by that value


As far as I can see, this is something that MYOB Support will have to fix in the background on the MYOB business file?


Furthermore to my issue. I forgot these duplicate transactions were sitting in the Electronic Payments account and ended up paying staff with the EOM Creditors, of which I now have to reconcile againse todays payrun and deduct off the duplicate payment.


Not been the best day - Any pointers please advise. Otherwise would appreciate some assistence in getting this fixed in the background.




    Thanks for your detailed post. I get that it's a bit complex dealing with duplicate electronic files sitting on the electronic payment window. However, if all the numbers on your payroll reports are right and they match up, then a double electronic payment that's just sitting in the payment window won't mess up your payroll. As long as you've checked and balanced all your transactions, you can go ahead and delete that extra payment. This will help clean up your electronic clearing account.


    Feel free to post again anytime you require further assistance. 

    If my response has answered your inquiry, please click "Accept as Solution" to help other users find this.



    Kind regards,
