Forum Discussion

cleanoptions's avatar
Experienced User
11 months ago

Enter Bills - Account Codes Locked


When entering the details of a supplier invoice why has the account code section now been locked ?


I am more and more aware that the programmers of MYOB are not data entry operators, they are not book keepers and they are not accountants, but when you are the people that enter the data into the program sometimes situations, codes change and this is a necessary part NOT to be locked.


This will now mean that I will have to amend all the expense accounts for the items in the inventory as the programmers are now not allowing you to change on entering the supplier invoice.  Time consuming to say the least.


Whoever had this bright idea, please unlock this section, as quite frankly it was a bad idea to start with.



8 Replies

  • Hi cleanoptions


    Thanks for posting your concern in the forum. 


    I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties changing the account for a line item in a bill. I understand how important it is that the ledger accounts for these values are all correct. In my understanding, the account that shows in the line item is the default buying expense account in the item settings of the item in question. I would suggest opening the item from the Inventory > Items > Name of the item window. Under buying details, you should be able to correct the expense account for tracking purchases.


    Let us know if you require any further assistance.





    • cleanoptions's avatar
      Experienced User

      Thanks Genreve


      That advice is a given.


      The question was WHY was this section changed on entering the bill - previously one could choose the account if need be ? 


      One cannot leave this account coding section blank when setting up the inventory items - maybe the program should be changed in this section so one can have the choice to change on entering the bill ?





      • Mike_James's avatar
        Ultimate Partner

        Hi cleanoptions , as I understand it, this change was a decision made to bring the new Essentials behaviour into line with the desktop and browser versions of AccountRight. Every item now has a single related income or expense account that cannot be changed on the bill or invoice. 

  • cleanoptions's avatar
    Experienced User


    So now the option has been changed to allow the account code section to be changed when entering a bill.


    Its been changed that much now and am pondering what was the point of setting up an inventory with account codes/"categories" that now are NOT shown.

    Seriously ?

    The ability to "tab" across the screen is still yet to be updated.


    The programmers do actually get the point data entry - do they not ?


    Also when will the business that actually pay for this product/program be able to adjust the template for service and items.

    Or for that matter - any template of their choosing.


    Some business might not want their clients to know the product codes when issuing an invoice from the inventory they have.


    Previously when MYOB wasn't broken (although the powers that be decided that it was broken and thought to change a lot of stuff that really didnt need to be changed) one could amend said template/s and customise to their business.


    And tonight - Monday, 3 June 2024 - whilst in the middle of invoicing - the powers that be decide to change the view of when creating an invoice - so now all is not as clear as it should be ?



    • Genreve_S's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi cleanoptions


      We appreciate you for voicing your opinions about the update MYOB Business. 


      When creating invoices, the account code/category will auto-fill if the item has a default code. If there's no default, it'll just stay blank. The account code column is there if you want to change the account for a specific sale.


      As for your other concern, we can't give a specific timeframe for the template because the team prioritizes changes that impact most users. I'd suggest posting your idea on the Ideas Exchange board so it can be considered for future updates.


      Let us know if you require any further assistance.




  • cleanoptions's avatar
    Experienced User

    Hi Genreve


    Thanks for your words.


    As previously queried:


    "Its been changed that much now and am pondering what was the point of setting up an inventory with account codes/"categories" that now are NOT shown.

    Seriously ?

    The ability to "tab" across the screen is still yet to be updated.


    The programmers do actually get the point data entry - do they not ?"


    I would not have voiced the above if the account codes were auto filling - it DOES NOT auto fill with the account code that was originally set up (ie the default code) when setting up the inventory - it is blank.

