No data showing in MYOB Business Pro ONLINE
Since Monday 22nd April, I have had no data showing in my sales tab - mainly my Invoice tab. Now I cannot allocate payment to invoices as there are no invoices showing. I have even back-dated t0 2010 and the only inovices showing are only 3 invoice from earlier this month.
Where are all the invoices? Paid? Overdue? Open? I should over 30 invoices sitting in my invoices tab and I have only 3 invoices.
What has happened here?
Could someone please respond as a matter of urgency please.
Hi Gittings,
Thanks for your post. I recommend clearing your browser's cache and history or trying to log in using a different browser to resolve any browser-related issues. Also, if you continue to encounter difficulties, feel free to reach out for further assistance.
Please do let me know how you go on this.