Forum Discussion

KarlZimmermann's avatar
5 years ago

Deleting inventory showing stock on hand

I have some inventory items showing stock on hand that was set up by a previous employee, these items we have never had and I have no idea how he entered the stock quantity. I need to delete this items and it will not let me as there is stock showing, if I do an inventory adjustment back to zero it will not let me delete it as there is an transaction against the item. I tried to export the items do delete the stock count but it does not export this field.

I am thinking my only option to delete these items is to do an inventory adjustment back to zero, mark the item as inactive and after we roll over to a new year go back and delete them?

If anyone has another option it would be greatly appreciated.

  • Neil_M's avatar
    5 years ago

    HI KarlZimmermann 


    As its not possible to import in a stock count directly this is not how he would have done it. As I can only make an educated guess as to how he would have done it, in one form or another there would be a transaction somewhere along the line that added that inventory to the file.


    As there would be a transaction that impacted these items, you can only mark them as inactive not delete them as outlined previously.

  • Neil_M's avatar
    Former Staff

    HI KarlZimmermann 


    As there is stock on hand it’s likely that at some point there was a transaction against that item, even if it was in a prior year, which would prevent the item from being deleted.


    Instead you would have to record an inventory adjustment first to reduce the inventory item’s quantity and value to zero. You can then mark the item as inactive, which will stop it from being selected in future transactions.


    You may also want to add “ZZZ” before the item name and number to group all the inactive items together at the bottom of any reports and lists

    • Thanks Neil, 


      I actually don't know how he made this adjustment, somehow he went in a made all the stock counts 100, it was not through adjust inventory or via a purchase order so it is a real mystery. 


      I do know it would not have taken long or been time consuming because he was very lazy and took all shortcuts possible. 


      I thought maybe he exported everything out of MYOB into Excel, adjusted the stock count and then imported them all back into MYOB if this is a possibility.  

      • Neil_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        HI KarlZimmermann 


        As its not possible to import in a stock count directly this is not how he would have done it. As I can only make an educated guess as to how he would have done it, in one form or another there would be a transaction somewhere along the line that added that inventory to the file.


        As there would be a transaction that impacted these items, you can only mark them as inactive not delete them as outlined previously.