Multiple inventory locations
Hi, we are considering moving from Accountright Plus to Premier, primarily to manage an expanding inventory in two locations. We have a warehouse in NSW and Qld. Inventory is stored in both warehouses in numbered bays so it can be easily located; e.g. A3, B4, C1 etc.
I can see how Premier can handle the NSW/Qld physical warehouse locations but can't see how I can identify the numbered bay within each warehouse. The only idea I've been able to come up with is to record the locations in a way that identifies each bay as it's own warehouse, e.g. NA3/QA3, NB4/QB4 etc.
Has anyone had experience with this issue...surely I'm not the first person!
Hi Tony2820
Those column headings are hardcoded in the system and cannot currently be changed. This is something I have raised with the relevant team, however at this stage I don’t have a timeframe on when this may be looked into and a potential resolution found.