Issues with Ace Payroll Cloud Delivery
Hi Everyone,
We've been having issues with ACE Payroll Cloud Delivery for 2-3 weeks now. With the last pay-cycle I think the payslip emails were delivered eventually but it took like four days.
We're sending off the payslips as usual via Cloud Delivery, Ace Payroll says they're sent, but they don't arrive. Same when sending test emails - Ace Payroll says they're sent but don't arrive.
I called the support 0800 number and the support team told us to make sure the IP address for the Cloud Delivery server is unblocked in the firewall but that hasn't helped. I also ran a traceroute as per the reccomendations of the support person I talked to and it's looking like the Cloud Delivery server might not be online?
The hops reach Cloudflare servers and then stop...
Is someone able to help with this or clarify the situation?
Kind regards