Forum Discussion

ah3741's avatar
11 hours ago


I set up payroll last week with electronic transfer. Did the first pay run & emailed the employee her payslip.

However, she hasn't received her payslip (checked spam etc and ensured email is correct in system) and her pay has not yet left my account.

What am I doing wrong here??

  • Isaiah_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi ah3741,


    Since the employee has checked their spam/junk folder and the email address in the system is correct, I recommend double checking the email address in the employee's card file to ensure there are no discrepancies. Additionally, check the email settings within the software to ensure that emails are being sent properly. 


    If everything seems correct and the issue persist, try sending the payslip again or using an alternative email address for testing purposes.


    For the electronic payment, make sure there isn't a delay on your bank's end, or any additional steps needed for the payment file to be approved.




    • ah3741's avatar

      Thank you.

      With regards to checking the email settings - are you referring to the MYOB email settings? And if so, how do I check these?