Forum Discussion

schryan's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago


I've created a new company and am progressively setting-up accounts. As I'm doing this, I'm entering opening balances for Equity accounts. After some deliberation, I've moved account numbers around a bit to better reflect the structure I'm after.


What's resulted is that the grand total of the "Equity" amount does not add to the respective "child" accounts which roll-up to the Equity total. I now have a total Equity amount of $1,513,518.61 for which child accounts add to $68,996.13.


I have attempted to rectify this by removing the opening balances previously entered in the child accounts (now $0.00 for all). I have also moved accounts up/down in the hierarchy as suggested in the post here:


I have also deleted the "child accounts", however this made the situation worse by then calculating a "historical balance" (I subsquently restored from backup to rectify the historical balance problem. The screen-shot provided is after the restore).


The balance sheet is calculating correctly.


Would you please suggest a remedy for the issue.

  • Hi schryan 


    Thanks for you post. 


    If you were trying to remove or you have already removed accounts, I'd  recommend speaking with your accountant.  They will be able to provide you advice and check on it.   since we don't have an access to your account. 


    If you need further assistance, feel free to post again. We're happy to assist. 






    • gavin12345's avatar
      Ultimate User

      Hi schryan 


      I hope you found reply by Celia_B useful. Sadly MYOB sacked its moderator staff and much of the support staff, in preference to outsourced support and use of AI.


      What you are seeing in your file is the result of 2 different although related issues (aka bugs). 



      Moving accounts up and down causes calculation errors. Developers did not code for MYOB header accounts to re calculate correctly the total for sub accounts. 



      When a header account is changed to a detail account, and one of the detail accounts had an opening balance set, MYOB gets confused and adds the opening balance back to the Historical Balancing account. Again, and again, and again - each time you make a change. Sometimes the fix outlined in the link below will fix this issue - sometimes it will not. 



      • Start a new file and set accounts correctly before adding amounts, or
      • Send the file to MYOB to get fixed, or
      • use File Utility MYOX to fix the AccountList totals (approx $100 fee for 3rd party program)




      • schryan's avatar
        Contributing User

        Hi Gavin.


        Thanks for your reply and appreciate your suggestions.


        I've managed to restore an earlier version of the file and I'm in the middle of reconstructing it (had the sense to take a backup at an earlier stage). Fortunately, only 2-3 hours of re-work (not days).


        Quite frustrating and astounding that a bug like this exists. 








    • schryan's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hi Celia.


      Thanks for your reply.


      The issue may have been triggered by accounts that I removed. However, I removed these after I re-assigned "$0.00" to the Opening Balance field for each.


      Please note that:-

      1. the GL trial balance is in balance;

      2. the balance sheet balances;

      3. there is no "Historical Balancing" amount and;

      4. all required accounts exist. 

      I'm an accountant and understand the implications of deleting an account which has any activity or an opening balance. Myob doesn't permit you to delete an account with non-zero amounts.


      This is definitely a bug in Myob's ability to relcalulate the rolled-up amount.


      I find interesting the reply in this thread posted by gavin12345 and supportive of what I've uncovered.


