Forum Discussion

Caroline5254's avatar
Experienced Cover User
3 years ago

Exporting a limited range of inventory items

We need to create new inventory items -

previously set up as I BUY only - now need to be set up as I BUY/I SELL/I INVENTORY


is it possible to select a range of items to export


make changes - we will make a slight change to the new item code so that it is different than the existing code


and import back into MYOB

I can only see an option where it will export all of the inventory items


alternatively - i guess i can create an excel spreadsheet and import that data

  • Hi Caroline5254 


    You cannot export just some Items. You will need to export them all and then remove those you do not need to edit.


    Take care - you cannot change the Item Number via import - you will end up with duplicates. You can change the Item Name or Description as well as most other fields, but not Item Number. 


    Also you cannot delete Items once they have been used, nor change the I Buy I Sell etc settings. 


    Basically there are 2 approaches, manually change each item Number by placing a 'zz' in front of the Item Number - this simply places the Item at the bottom of the List. At the same time make that Item Inactive. 


    Change the settings in the export file and import these as new Items with the original Item Number. Test with a small number first to ensure it is working as intended. FYI always backup before an import as a bad import cannot be undone.


    2nd option is to get a 3rd party to do the work - cost $275 so only worthwhile if you have thousands of Items to be changed. The specialist can renumber and or delete all existing items in bulk and import new items with desired settings. Send me a private message if you want contact details.





    • Caroline5254's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Thank you Gavin

      Your reply is appreciated.

      We have used the options you suggested previously - zz and inactive.  This is a bulk change, where we now

      need all items to be I BUY/SELL/INVENTORY - so we need to create new items.

      I have someone lined up to complete the manual process for me - was hoping there might be an alternative

      Once again - thank you