Forum Discussion

daviders's avatar
Experienced User
5 years ago

GST On Orders Not Calculating Correctly

We have a problem with the GST being calculated incorrectly when we change a sales order to an invoice.


I have attached the screen shots and procedure being used when we convert orders to invoices.


The Selling Detils for all items has the Tax Code is GST, the Inclusive/Exclusive box is not ticked and the Actual Price is used for Calcuating Sales Tax.

  • Emily_B's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hello daviders 


    Thank you for sending that through. I've done a bit more digging and discovered that with Time Billing invoices, there is an issue with the 'Tax Inclusive' box being recognised properly at all times by the software. In short, even if it is unticked, the software can randomly read it as being ticked and will adjust line item prices and subsequently GST calculations accordingly. From what I understand, this can happen randomly and at different points of the invoicing process. In my software, I encountered your issue immediately upon creating the order. As in, I entered $2,600 for the generic items x2 and my GST calculated to $472.72. In order to correct this, I ticked 'Tax Inclusive' before entering $2600, and then unticked it, and the misread didn't happen. Basically, ticking and unticking 'Tax Inclusive' is a refresher of sorts so that it is read properly. 


    In your case, you were able to create the order successfully with $5,200 and 10% GST of $520 equalling $5,700, which is correct, but then when entering that invoice again, for whatever reason the 'Tax Inclusive' box didn't get recognised as unticked, even though it was. So then, when you were putting in the real item numbers, their prices were changed to $2,363.64 and the total GST to $472.73 in an effort for the software to reconcile the $5,200 (before tax) total on the order. Thus resulting in that -$520 apparently 'owed.' 


    I've attached a screenshot showing how I replicated your scenario, which is also how you would be able to workaround this in the future. When you see the GST or line item pricing change as you did in the example you sent me, you'll want to tick and untick the Tax Inclusive box and then re-enter the figures in the line item as needed. I think because you re-entered the $2,600 without ticking and unticking Tax Inclusive, the -$520 was never prompted to disappear.


    With all this said, I do understand this is an irritating fluke that has obviously caused you frustration and inconveinence. I have checked with another team and they are aware of this issue, but at this point I cannot provide a timeframe in which it would be permenantly fixed. I do apologise for this but I hope the workaround advised will assist you for the time being. 

  • JulieM09's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    daviders great idea to include the pdf, but can you assure us we are  not looking at the personal information of your business or your client?  The community has thousands of users, I would not be comfortable if that was my detail being shared even tho' you are seeking a solution. Is there a way you can block out the name and adress of your company and the client?

    • daviders's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi JulieMO9,

      Unfortunatly I do not hav a redact option and when I print the pdf's out, the detail is blurred.


      Thanks for the advice.





  • Emily_B's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hello daviders 


    One of our moderators did remove the images from your post when it first came through, but they were securely saved and I have been able to take a look at them. Thank you for all of the screenshots and the great detail provided in the steps you've followed and at what point the issue seems to arise. There is no known issue or error that I am aware of that would account for this, so do bear with me as I work through some possibilities with you to discover why this has occurred. 


    The first thing that stood out to me was that you create the invoice without adding a specific activity number, which does make sense since you don't know the exact container the customer will receive at that point. Then, after they pay the invoice, you are able to pick out the container(s) based on inventory: "Now the invoice has been paid, we add container(s) number from inventory." The invoice refreshes, so to speak, with those specific activity numbers now added, and you "Re-apply rate: $2,600 per item." Again this makes sense; $2,600 is what you charged and what they paid. 


    I tried to duplicate your setup with using a time-billing activity charged per hour, priced at $2,600 Excluding Tax and with the Tax Code When Sold as GST. I created an order with 2 of these generic activities, paid the $5,700 in full, and then converted it into an invoice. Everything remained as it should. I then replaced the generic activity with a 'specific' activity, which set the price to $0 as you mentioned, and I entered $2,600 x 2. No issue. 


    However, I was able to replicate a portion of what you are seeing by creating that 'specific' activity with Tax Code Sold: FRE (GST Free). In that case, when I added the 'specific' activity to the paid invoice, I did end up with -$520 balance as you did. I did not get the $472.73 that you are seeing. Furthermore, I can see in your screenshots that your Tax Code is GST throughout every step of the process, so it does seem to rule that out as a possibility. I'd still be interested to see the setup of your activities though, if you could provide me with a screenshot of the layout of your generic activity initially used and then the activity used for the specific container, that would be great. 


    In the meantime, please try clearing your AccountRight cache, as this can fix odd behaivours the software is sometimes experiencing. To do this, open your Start Menu and type: %localappdata% >> Open the %localappdata% folder >> Open the MYOB Folder >> Open the AccountRight Folder >> Open the Cache Folder >>Clear all files listed here.


    Let me know if that clears things up, if not, I'll have a look at the layout of your activities and see where we can go from there. 

    • daviders's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Emily_B,


      I have attached screenshots of the setup of the generic item and the specific items.


      We do not use standard costing and the Use Standard Cost has not been ticked.


      I mention this, because in the past when we have brought this problem up we were told it was because there was a  value in the Standard Cost field.


      I went and deleted all of the values in the Standard Cost field, but the field keeps being populated.


      A possible solution we were given was to delete the line with the generic item and add a line with the specific item.


      We tried this, but it does not change the result.


      Just letting you know, we use  Citrix, so I do not know whether that effects your recommendation from before.




      • Emily_B's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hello daviders 


        Thank you for sending that through. I've done a bit more digging and discovered that with Time Billing invoices, there is an issue with the 'Tax Inclusive' box being recognised properly at all times by the software. In short, even if it is unticked, the software can randomly read it as being ticked and will adjust line item prices and subsequently GST calculations accordingly. From what I understand, this can happen randomly and at different points of the invoicing process. In my software, I encountered your issue immediately upon creating the order. As in, I entered $2,600 for the generic items x2 and my GST calculated to $472.72. In order to correct this, I ticked 'Tax Inclusive' before entering $2600, and then unticked it, and the misread didn't happen. Basically, ticking and unticking 'Tax Inclusive' is a refresher of sorts so that it is read properly. 


        In your case, you were able to create the order successfully with $5,200 and 10% GST of $520 equalling $5,700, which is correct, but then when entering that invoice again, for whatever reason the 'Tax Inclusive' box didn't get recognised as unticked, even though it was. So then, when you were putting in the real item numbers, their prices were changed to $2,363.64 and the total GST to $472.73 in an effort for the software to reconcile the $5,200 (before tax) total on the order. Thus resulting in that -$520 apparently 'owed.' 


        I've attached a screenshot showing how I replicated your scenario, which is also how you would be able to workaround this in the future. When you see the GST or line item pricing change as you did in the example you sent me, you'll want to tick and untick the Tax Inclusive box and then re-enter the figures in the line item as needed. I think because you re-entered the $2,600 without ticking and unticking Tax Inclusive, the -$520 was never prompted to disappear.


        With all this said, I do understand this is an irritating fluke that has obviously caused you frustration and inconveinence. I have checked with another team and they are aware of this issue, but at this point I cannot provide a timeframe in which it would be permenantly fixed. I do apologise for this but I hope the workaround advised will assist you for the time being.