Inventory Available but cannot invoice
We purchased 1 x 20 litre drum of oil which we sell in 1L quantities as they are used in jobs. Item was purchased as 1 item with 20 saleable units. Inventory states we have 20 in stock. I allocate 6 units to one job but cannot save it and get and error message stating i need to order 106 on backorder in order to save the invoice. Item has 20 selling units and 20 buying units wtih 20 in inventory. Why is this happening?
Hi rquad3 , for these requirements I would set "Number of items per buying unit" at 20, and purchase 1 unit (drum), which gets converted to 20L of inventory. It looks like you have done that.
Then I would set the "Number of items per selling unit" at 1, so that 1 (litre) sold should reduce stock by one litre. I think you have set it as 20, so selling 6 represents 120 inventory units.
Be careful with values other than 1 in these fields; the values cannot be changed if you already have transactions recorded.