Forum Discussion

EBAS's avatar
3 years ago

Is it Phishing?

I received a text to my private phone number in Dec 2021, quoting a serial number I don't recognise, asking me to call a number that is not on the MYOB website and providing a web address of


It all looked like a scam to me so I ignored it.   Got a follow up email offering me a $100- gift card if I gave my agreement to supply my identifying documents.   Whoa there, that REALLY makes it look like a scam.


Received two more texts, (still to my private number and referencing a serial number that I don't have access to) so I finally figured I had better check with MYOB and see if there was some substance to them.  After calling MYOB and being handballed, I spent over half an hour on the phone waiting, I got cut off.  So here I am, trying to get some answers to these texts.   Are they legit?  What client are they for?   How can I get some answers and why aren't the call centre staff made aware that many people are querying these texts / emails as they so closely look fake?   



  • Hi EBAS


    Sorry to hear about your experience. MYOB does take Security and Privacy seriously, to our knowledge we don't send out those texts and based on what you have indicated it does sound like a scam, we would need to get some more information. 


    Can you please send me a private message with the following information:

    • Serial number 
    • Your full name and email address 
    • Copy of the text you received
    • EBAS's avatar

      Just checking you got my reply with screen shots of the texts I received.

      • Melisa_D's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi EBAS


        Yes I've received your private message, I responded on the 14/4 requesting the email that you've received aswell so we can pass it on to our teams. To view your private messages please sign into the Community Forum > Click on your avatar on the top right hand corner of the window > Select the envelope icon.