I had the same experience. I was litterally in the middle of a Payroll run. I'd completed half of my employees. Next thing I receive an error message "Connection to Server Lost, try again..."
I tried over and over from various machines. At NO TIME did it say I was trying to connect with a decomissioned version. ALL MYOB users know that you freqently release new versions with bugs or unintnded consequences. We ALWAYS update before you notify of a decommissiond verson and we receive NO NOTICE for 2022.6 in this case.
Your error message "Connection to the server was lost--check internet, etc..." is a WHOLELY inadequate message in this instance. Your help team did NOT suggest that mine was a version error and instead told me I'd have to wait FOUR DAYS for a product specialist to review and contact me (still waiting by the way...).
MYOB service gets worse month to month, year to year. MYOB product is more problematic and bug ridden than ever and the only thing you know how to do is to raise your prices and give lame excuses for a BAD product poorly serviced. As a MYOB user for TWENTY YEARS, I have totally lost confidence in your product and your ability to provide even mediocre service and support.
SHAME on MYOB for your failure to protect your asset and your customers. It could hardly be worse.