Job Codes in reports
Hi Team,
I am using Accountright Desktop version.
I use job codes extensively for 6 of my clients.
I have asked a representative at the ICB Seminar in March in Perth about this but still no luck.
When producing a Payables report is there any way we can have the Job Code showing?
When Purchases are entered the job code is added (sometimes multiple) but I currently have to export to a speadsheet and then break it down manually which is both labour intentsive and frought with errors.
I have look at filters etc but it doesn't appear to be an option.
Also we use Sales orders and track the Deposits using a liability account. When entering the Order the job code is allocated but when looking at the GL account theJob code doesn't show against deposits and you have to drill down on the transaction to find the answer.
(Screenshot attached for reference with names removed for Privacy.) Can this be added so it shows on all transactions that are job coded?
I look forward to finding out how this can be acheived.