Forum Discussion

Webb1's avatar
Experienced Cover User
4 years ago

Payables reports not correct


I have a creditor that I know we have paid a certain amount of money to.  The Card Transaction Accrual report is correct, but the Analyse Purchases report states an over inflated amount by approximately $100K.  Not good as I use this report for my reports.

There was a situation a couple of weeks back where the incorrect amount was entered on an invoice and a payment was setup towards it.  We realised the mistake and the EFT payment was deleted and the invoice corrected to the right amount and a new EFT payment was raised.  The difference is roughly this amount.

Can anyone explain what has happened here and how I can get the correct figure reporting in the Analyse Purchases report.  It seems to be showing the correct figures in all the other payables reports



  • Hi Webb1 


    The Analyse Purchase [Supplier] report pulls its information from the card history of the supplier. What has been discovered is that the supplier card history is not updated when a change is made a transaction. For example, if you enter a transaction this will show in the card history. If you then delete that transaction, this transaction is shown in the card history. Having those edits not be updated in the card history can have an impact on reports like the Analyse Purchase [Supplier] report (and comparisons to the Purchases [Supplier Summary]).


    That card history not being updated is something that has been passed across to the required team for further investigation in a future update.

  • Hi Webb1 


    The Analyse Purchase [Supplier] report pulls its information from the card history of the supplier. What has been discovered is that the supplier card history is not updated when a change is made a transaction. For example, if you enter a transaction this will show in the card history. If you then delete that transaction, this transaction is shown in the card history. Having those edits not be updated in the card history can have an impact on reports like the Analyse Purchase [Supplier] report (and comparisons to the Purchases [Supplier Summary]).


    That card history not being updated is something that has been passed across to the required team for further investigation in a future update.

    • Webb1's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Thanks, I will just accordingly