Forum Discussion

Dory1's avatar
12 months ago

Selling Raffles non inventory donation

Wondering how we enter Raffle tickets sold and money taken through shop Eftpos/Cash in Retail Manager? TIA


  • Hi Dory1


    Thanks for your post and welcome to the Community Forum. 


    We appreciate every post in the forum, if people answer them this would add a lot of value to other users. If you can't find your answer here, I would suggest you contact AAAPOS for direct help on retail manager issues. 


    Let us know if you require any other assistance. 




  • Hi Dory1


    Thanks for your post and welcome to the Community Forum. 


    We appreciate every post in the forum, if people answer them this would add a lot of value to other users. If you can't find your answer here, I would suggest you contact AAAPOS for direct help on retail manager issues. 


    Let us know if you require any other assistance. 


