Forum Discussion

PJPoli's avatar
Contributing User
5 years ago

Shipping labels far too small for pallet shipments

I need to be able to print out shipping labels; 2 per standard A4 page for sticking on pallet shipments.


AccountRight 19.15 & 19.16 did this but AccountRight 2020 doesn't allow you to use anything other than predefined label sizes which are useless for our purposes.


AccountRight 2020 even allows you to migrate the form and then just prints everything on top of each as a 2 x 7 label print and doesn't allow you modify form label size.


Why on earth would MYOB not allow this in AccountRight 2020?

  • Solved this myself.


    If you just migrate the original form and do not modify it at all (regardless of how it looks in the Customise Form area) it prints fine.


  • PJPoli's avatar
    Contributing User

    Solved this myself.


    If you just migrate the original form and do not modify it at all (regardless of how it looks in the Customise Form area) it prints fine.


  • Hi PJPoli 


    While you can customise the page size with AccountRight 2020, you are not able to set the number of times a form appears on the page. This does mean that for label printing (among others), AccountRight 2020 will produce the number of labels on a page from the actual form used - typically 2 or 3 labels across and a number down the page, with no provision to have that set on a per form level. 


    However, if you do need to use a different label layout, I have sent you through a private message on the Forum that outlines a process that uses an AccountRight report and Microsoft's Word Mail merge function so different layouts could be used.