Forum Discussion

nduro's avatar
Experienced User
4 years ago

Some Customer Card Balances Showing Incorrect Credits + Incorrect Average Days To Pay Data

I was reading this post as we have a similair problem.


I have now come accross at least 2 cutomer cards that are showing Credits, but there is no logical reason for this and no real actual credits for these customers.


What is involved having our company file rebalanced and how long would we be without it?


We also have a similiar thing with AVERAGE DAYS TO PAY data. For some Customer cards the data is totally incorrect showing things like 20,000 days? Is that a similiar issue?


Any help would be great.


Thanks, Nathan 

  • Hi nduro 


    I understand that our team has reviewed and arranged for those card balances to be recalculated within your company file. 


    If you do have any further enquiries don't hesitate to post on this Forum again.

  • Hi nduro 


    The process for getting that company file sent in for that card rebalance would be you would look at taking a backup at your end and then uploading that file through to us for our team to review. While we have that company file, you can continue to work on the file and our repair team will be in contact to arrange for a current file to come in if required.


    If you feel that you do need the  file needs to come in for that re-balance getting screenshots of the following information would be required:

    • The Returns and Credits window for the customer - Sales>>Sales Register>>Returns and Credits
    • The Aged Receivables - Outstanding invoice analysis window - Card File>>Cards Lists>>Choose the customer's card>>Arrow next to the list Balance
    • The Reconciliation [Detial] report for that customer run for the date of 31/12/9998- Reports>>Sales>>Ageing>>Reconciliation [Detial]

    You also mentioned the average days to pay showing unusually odd numbers. This is something that we are aware of occurring and have passed onto the required team. It is commonly caused by recording a $0.00 invoice and then updating the values on that invoice after the fact. This particular situation occurs irrespective of the card balance issues you are experiencing.


    • nduro's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Steven,


      Thanks for this information. I would like to try this process and see if we can get the file fixed and cleaned up.


      That is good if we can keep working with file, will you investigate it from the backup file. We use the file 5 days a week so will need to be able to keep working.


      I can provide the screenshots etc.


      Please advise what the next steps will be and who to send it to etc?





      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi nduro 


        The requested screenshots can be added to a Forum post using the Choose File (bottom of the post reply field) or through the use of the Photos option when composing the message.


        Alternatively, if you would prefer to send that information privately, it can be sent through as a private message to myself. Note: If you are using the private message system you would only be able to use the Photos/images option to upload those screenshots.

    • nduro's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Steven_M 


      Just putting these Screenshots and data together.


      I cannot find the Reconciliation [Detial] report for that customer run for the date of 31/12/9998- Reports>>Sales>>Ageing>>Reconciliation [Detial]


      Is that the same as  Reports>>Sales>>Receivables >> Receivables Reconciliation [Detial]  ??




      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi nduro 


        We would require that Receivable Reconciliation [Detial] report*. This is located in the Reports>>Sales>>Ageing>>Receivable Reconciliation [Detial]


        *Not to be confused with the Aged Receivable [Detial] report.