Forum Discussion

Kal-HerEn's avatar
Contributing Cover User
3 years ago

Supplier Card History

Hi all   Just trying to look through the commuity as I have a query in regards to definite incorrect history for a supplier.   I have found a similar situation with this post which was replied to...
  • Yanike_S's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hi Kal-HerEn 


    Thanks for your post. So that I can investigate this further, could you please send me a Private Message with your serial number, company data file ID and a screenshot of the history and invoice (you can use a snipping tool such as Windoys-key+shift+S if you use Windows 10 to send me pictures). 


    As soon as I have received this I will be able to look into this for you.


    Solved this by sending file in for Datafile Repair.