Forum Discussion

Kristyh1's avatar
Trusted User
4 years ago

Updating Bulk Account number

I am needing to make allof my COGS code in my MYOB inactive as we are minimising the accounnt list   I am following the instructions as per MYOB
  • Steven_M's avatar
    4 years ago

    Hi Kristyh1 


    The answer to your question about would I be able to use the same account number that is active is really a yes and no answer. Yes, that account number can be used. However, I don't think it will work the way you are hoping it will.


    When you import an account into AccountRight you have the option for Update existing records for duplicate records. If this is set, what happens is that it will take the existing account number and update it with the import records. For example say you account 1-1100 Main bank, you are trying to import 1-1100 Second account, what will happen is that 1-1100 becomes Second account.  Sounds good? What is also happening is the transactions behind the scenes are also being updated. So if I had a transaction going to that account Main Bank, it will now be listed as Second account


    Basically, to sum up, yes you can reuse that account number, however, all the history of that account comes along as well. So if you don't want that history to be moved across then do look at using a different account number.