Warning 59 When Importing
I am trying to import items into MYOB. I have attached the text file I am testing. The items currently do not exist in MYOB. When I import, a get Warning 59: Expense account invalid; item may not be bought. The item is created in MYOB but the "I buy this item" is not ticked and none of the data except the item number and item name have been imported. The expense accounts are valid in MYOB. I am not sure what the problem is and am requesting some advice. Thanks, Wendy
Hi WSmith360 , in the latest version of AccountRight (2020.3) the order of fields matters.
I suggest you create one item manually, then export it, and put the fields in your file in the order that they appear in the export. Then re-try.
It may also be necessary to add other fields, but let's see what happens first.